Friday, January 22, 2016


What's on Aaron's Mind 

You know me peeps! Just keeping it real!

Being the creator of a global movement and helping 1'000's of stroke survivors worldwide you probably wouldn't think I struggle with my "self worth". I mean I survived a major brain aneurysm and stroke but I have struggle with, and do struggle with my personal self worth since day 1 of my stroke!

I think what makes our stroke extra devastating, is how stroke physically strips a person of all their self worth. By making us 100% dependant on others for our existence!

I know how that feels!

Since my stroke on September 17th 2010, I have been 1/2 paralyzed, can't speak very well, 0 fine motor skills, wheelchair bound amongst 1,000 other things stroke survivor.

To me, as a man, the largest part of our self worth or value is tied up in what we can physically do for our family.

Now, as fast as lightning strikes stroke strips away every physical ability we had that makes us physically who we are!

You ever wonder why us stroke survivors can be suicidal? We've lost our self worth! 

So how does a stroke survivor regain self worth? 
(In my opinion).

In keeping with my sister Oprah Winfrey's spiritual insight, Bad things happen for us not to us .............

The true source of a human's self worth or personal value is really being revealed to us through our stroke! We just need to be willing to allow our stroke to teach us like I have.

You see, I have found if you allow it, stroke survival will teach a person the absolute truth of life from an eternal spiritual perspective.

You see, the absolute truth is really no different for any human on planet earth.

Our worthiness or personal value can only be found in the eternal spiritual realm.

100% truth!

We are all taught from birth, that our self worth or personal value is based on the physical realm. How much money we earn for our family, How strong we are! These are attributes of only a person's physical body.

All human bodies are temporary, fleeting if you will. We call it our circle of life on planet earth.

One day we will bury this physical body, but who every human is on the face of planet earth is an eternal spiritual creature.

Stroke has taught me this truth!


By physically stripping me of all my physical abilities!

We must realize what really counts. What will give us eternal lasting personal value is and can only be found at the very core of who we truly are. Your 100% a eternal spiritual being encased in a temporary human body.

Stroke is showing me this, by sripping me of all I call myself physically.

We must now seek and find the truth of our life on planet earth.

Trust me peeps!

The truth is you're a spiritual creation learning to live in a physical body.

Don't fight your stroke peeps! Always looking and longing for the life you had before your stroke.

Rather as impossible as it might seem. Let your stroke open your eyes and teach you the absolute truth to life on planet earth.

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