Sunday, October 25, 2015

BOOK UPDATE 10/25/15

Chapter 1


Several months prior to my aneurysm exploding in my brain, I would get headaches that felt like an Ice Pick was being driven into my brain!l Extreme light and sound sensitivity had me spending days and weeks in a blacked out completely quiet bedroom. Both light or sound would cause the most excruciating pain in my brain.

You see, I had been to the ER several times prior and each time I was treated for migraines and sent home. Every prescription migraine medication no matter how strong brought no relief! A pain so excruciating, I contemplated suicide to get relief. 

My primary Doctor forgot to schedule my MRI and my aneurysm exploded 1 week later!

Two weeks after my aneurysm exploded I survived a major stroke!

So sure were the Doctors I was going to die after my aneurysm exploded, they would not work on me for 24 hours. They figured why waste resources on somebody who was going to die.

So sure were they I was going to die, they held a live funeral in the hospital bereavement room for my family to say their last goodbye’s.

What the Doctors didn’t realize that it wasn’t up to them if I lived or died! It was up to the creator of the universe! He himself showed me mercy, grace and love and let me live!

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Mankind is a spiritual creation created to have a close spiritual relationship with God

Mankind was created for one purpose and one purpose only and that was to have a real in the moment loving relationship with God our creator.

At some point mankind turned his back on his spiritual creator and chose to do things his way not God’s.

This had to break God’s heart, the whole reason he created man was to have a close, loving, 100% spiritual relationship with his creation!

But God gave man one trait needed that makes spiritual love the ultimate force on planet earth. Free will!

In order to have a truly powerful spiritual love and relationship with the creator, man must choose to love God.

Instead man used what God gave him, “free will” and chose to turn his back on God.

All the problems globally and as an individual mankind has is a direct result of mankind turning his back on God. 

I’m not saying all problems are not part of being human, but when a man turns his back on the spiritual creator, he loses the solution to all his problems. Our solution to all mankind's problems is to return once again to the truth. 

The truth is all mankind is a spiritual creation, designed to walk in close fellowship with God, to express only positive love energy.

Any of life's issues you may have, can be overcome with the most powerful force on planet earth! The creator’s love!

As man, we must return to the one that created us! We as mankind are all created to live as spiritual creations. 

If man is to return to his spiritual roots, we must realize we are of spiritual descent. Our bodies are used to express our true spiritual nature that's inside of every man on planet earth.

There is a global spiritual awakening happening right now! The truth is calling everyone on planet earth! 

Ask for your eyes and heart to be opened to see the truth of life on planet earth! All mankind is a spiritual creation.

Find your quiet place free of the distractions all around us. Only in this quiet place will you be able to hear the truth, the voice of God.

The truth is calling all mankind to awaken!


Sunday, October 18, 2015



I created this Blog so I can share snippets of how my book is progressing! I will try to be much more detailed in my book!

Tell me what you think so far? Leave me a comment and let me know?

Spiritual Insight 

I received this last night! 10/18/15

All mankind on planet earth is a spiritual being!

Man believing or not believing this truth doesn't matter!

It's 100% truth!

You see,

Life on planet earth is the spiritual manifesting itself in the material realm! 

Not as man sees it! 

The material world manifesting itself in the spiritual realm!

Can't be!

The material realm has no life of itself. Only that which the spiritual realm gives it!  


Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hi peeps!

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

On September 17th 2010 my life as I knew it stopped and my second chance life began.

You see, as fast as lightning strikes I survived, what kills most, a major brain aneurysm and stroke.

I was even so fortunate to have a near death experience.

Who and what I am today and who I was in my first chance at life at planet earth are 2 totally different people!

Through my stroke and near death experience, I've been transformed into the spiritual being I always truly was!

For I have come to know for fact, all mankind is a spiritual creation!

The earth, the universe all a creation! It's only mankind who doesn't truly know the 100% truth of his reason and existence on planet earth!

I have been given grace, mercy and love to see truth!


Now that's heavy!

Now the reason I started this Blog in the first place! lol

I need guidance peeps!

My walk of destiny in this life, is to write a book.

I also know the destiny for this book is a best seller. This will change the way my awesome family has been living since my stroke in 2010. Surviving on under 19,000 a year!

I also believe it's my destiny through my book to meet my dear sister Oprah Winfrey!

So what are my options to get it published? Agent? Self Publish? What? Help me peeps please.

Aaron Avila 


At what place of life or death this happened I do not know.

I found myself in the most full of peace tropical like place I had ever been before. Inner peace.

In the middle of this place was a mansion.

I suddenly found myself inside this mansion. It was filled with 1,000's of people wearing white gowns. It was odd because I had an uneasy feeling.

Then a white bearded old man came up to me and said "Here take this white gown it will be easier for you............ I refused!

Then it hit me!

The reason I felt uneasy was because I was the only one in this place in normal clothes!

The old man asked me several more times saying "Here take the white gown it will be easier for you" I refused again every time.

All I wanted is to see is my soul mate, my everything of 25 years Rebecca Avila.

And here I am today, given a second chance at life on this planet.

Living the most fullest life you can have on this planet. Helping stroke survivors around the world like none before me.

I have been given an unquenchable love for stroke survivors worldwide!

It's who I am now!

Stroke survivors are the most amazing people I have met on this planet!



Hi I thought you may want to know who I am.

Currently Age: 52

Born September 1st 1963

Age 47 when I had a major aneurysm and two weeks later had a major stroke:

September 17th 2010

The day the course of my life changed forever!

Deficits: Can’t walk, Dysarthria, Balance issue
Married 22+ years to one of the most awesome and amazing women on the planet! Rebecca Avila
Father to the most awesome son on the planet!
Ryan Avila 22

Born and Raised: Santa Rosa California

Adopted by Verne and Nonie Avila

How I truly feel:
I was the type of guy that could do about anything I set my mind to. Cutting down a 80’ tree….no problem! 

Designing a water or rain harvesting system… problem! 

Running a crew building a 100,000 gallon water storage tank………… problem! 

Running and owning my own companies National Storage Tank and Rain Harvesting Solutions Inc. for over 12 years BS (Before Stroke) done!

As fast as lightning strikes, the course of my life would change forever!

I was doing the day to day grind and I truly believe there was only one thing that would stop me dead in my tracks! A stroke and near death experience!

This event in my life forced me to fully re-evaluate all the things I, like most everyone, took for granted!
Life itself, walking, talking, feeling one with my body, family, friends but I truly believe that I’ve been given a SECOND CHANCE!

I would come to believe wholeheartedly that this was a type of gift! Yes this stroke is the hardest thing I would ever face!!! But I was alive! Given a gift that the majority of people on this planet don’t have! The chance to live two lives in this one! A second chance to learn not to take it all for granted!

In beginning part of me was so angry, suicidal, and felt ripped off but what I have learned since my stroke makes it all worth it! I should have a big sign on my forehead…….Under Major Reconstruction! I’m far from learning it all!

I would have to say and know with all my heart that if it was not for my incredible family and friends and their support I’d be in a much different place!
Tears of thankfulness run down my face! Go stroke survivors!


Never Give Up!

With allot of care!
Aaron Avila


I know with every fiber of who I am. It was my life's destiny was to be a stroke survivor!

Sunday, October 11, 2015


I would have to say this is the single most life altering and extremely powerful spiritual insight I have received to date.

This spiritual insight, if mankind can grasp it, has the power to transform our lives.

This spiritual insight is the pathway to truth. For it is where God, The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the creator of the universe only lives.

We, man, as the spiritual person we truly are, can only experience the full and true power of the creator of the universe, as we learn to master our brains and learn only to live in this the present moment of God.

The present moment has no preconceived idea of who and what God is. No grudges from our past experiences or what we’ve been taught, Nothing but absolute truth of our lives on planet earth.

If we, as man can master living only in the present moment, we will experience the full power of the creator’s love. For it is truly where God, the creator of the universe only lives.

If you learn to live only in the present moment, you will not only learn just how deep God’s love is for you, you be able to give and share true love towards other human beings.

We as mankind have been told through man’s religion of what the character of God is. Living in only the exact present moment, with no preconceived idea of what God the creator of the universe is, we will than and only than know what God’s character truly is.

Living only in the present moment, we will free us as from the chains that blind and bind us from what mankind is, "a spiritual creation".

We as human beings can not know the pure loving power and what God truly is until we master only living in the absolute present moment.

More details in my book peeps!

With the energy of pure love,


Friday, October 9, 2015



Being a wheelchair bound stroke survivor enduring years of chronic pain I have come to realize that the more the my suffers, the more enlightened I become.


I think it's because I no longer can put any trust in my own abilities (physically) to solve any problems. I must look only to the spiritual truth. I must look only to God to solve any problems I may have in my life.

Before my stroke leaving me wheelchair bound I could physically do things to solve a problem.

Dealing with things with our physical bodies actually is not the best way!

You see, we are spiritual beings therefore the truth is, our life problems are not physical at all. And the harder we try physically correct what is truly a spiritual fight the worse the problem gets.

Our correction of our life problem must be fought spiritually. With prayer and meditation.
Only in the quietness of your mind can you hear the voice of God revealing the solution or the truth of what you need to learn to get out of the life problem.

Remember, bad things happen for us not to us!


Hi peeps!

I have been a brain aneurysm and stroke survivor for 5 years now and I'm starting to realize that all therapy all our hope of recovery boils down to one thing that occurs naturally within the human brain ...........


What is it? How can we spark this awesome brain's ability to rewire itself so we can use our affected limbs or regain proper speech again?

Weight bearing on our affected limbs and repetitive attempts at speech or any movement (twitch) sparks Neuroplasticity!

For me, I'd always heard about neuroplasticity but it seemed to be a magical mystery of the brain that seemed unattainable!


What we must remember that Neuroplasticity is a natural almost automatic process that only requires the patient to try and move the affected limb!

After being inspired by this video (best one I've seen to date) and trying to apply weight bearing and any movement to my unusable affected leg and arm I'm seeing a change in the last 4 months.

Now mind you I'm a wheelchair bound stroke survivor since September 17th 2010.

0 pullback ability in my left leg.

So trying to apply the above principle of Neuroplasticity (a natural ability of the human brain) of any movement sparks it. I started with just the intention of pulling my left leg back (visualizing my leg pulling back) that turned into just a twitch ......... the twitch now has turned into being able to pull my leg back 3-4 inches!

This is Neuroplasticity!

Someday 1'.

Someday completely!

Someday out of this rolling prison!

Want more information on Neuroplasticity? Checkout my Pinterest Board!

Try it and post your experience peeps!

With the power of love,

Monday, October 5, 2015


Oprah says "Tweet Tweet"

I say "This needs to be in my book" lol

Sarah I'm writing this to you and Jon, but this spiritual truth is for everyone on planet earth that's gone through what we've trained to believe "bad things" but the "bad thing" really don't exist at all!


You see Sarah I believe the real truth is what we've been told are "bad things" aren't really bad things!

Your life, or the life of a loved one (like Jon or me) our life path is really being powerfully and perfectly directed by the creator himself!

Yes ........... sometimes very hard honey but the creator loves us to much to let us to stay the way we are! Our lives, worth more than gold, are being guided to our perfect destiny where we will thrive!

Look for it! Tell Jon only he will find it someday! I'm finding it!

With the powerful energy called love!

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Hi peeps!

So during meditation I received this! See what you think?


You see peeps through stroke and near death experience I have learned this truth.

That every man on the face of planet earth is a spiritual being expressing itself through a physical body. It does not matter if a man believes it or not! It's fact and it's truth!

We (mankind) are actually living in a spiritual world manifested partly as a physical element.

Ever wonder why when sometimes you really want something really bad and the harder you struggle try to get it, the more frustrated and angry you become?

I think because the truth or spiritual realm knows that it won't be good for you so can't have nor attain it. The more you struggle and fight, the more miserable you become!

Try this way instead when you feel this type of resistance in your life. Take it on for what it really is. A spiritual issue!

Seek after it with your spiritual eyes! Trust me you have them deep inside you!

Learn to quiet your mind through meditation. Deep within every man, in a quiet still place inside is the spiritual you! Test me and see! Let me know your experience?

Anyway, once you can see you life as it truly is (spiritual), You will know exactly know what to do, and like me, know the correct path for your circle of life. Every minute detail!

I'll explain in more detail in my book!

Let love energy rule your life while you have it on planet earth!
