Sunday, July 12, 2015


Hi peeps!

So this year, September 17th will be 5 years since I survived certain death.

You see, as fast as lightning strikes I survived a major brain aneurysm and 2 weeks later a major stroke.

So sure were they I was going to die they wouldn't work on me for 24 hours........... (why waste resources on someone who for sure is going to die).

They even gave me a live funeral in the hospital Chapel so my family could say their last good bye's!

Wow! That cataclysmic life event is forever etched into my brain!

So what can I say now, 5 years later?

Well, I can say a few things.

Stroke survival has completely altered my life on planet earth! Stroke survival revealed to me my true destiny of who I am as a man and what  I was truly meant to be.

A stroke survivor like no other! A stroke survivor who started a global movement called Second Chance Stroke Survivors.

Stroke has stripped away everything I thought important in life. Nice cars, Boat, 5th wheel and so much more!

Stroke stripped me down to the very core of who I am as a man on this planet. Shown me the truth. Truth of our lives as the human race.

Our purpose here on planet earth is not to selfishly amass wealth, cars, homes and whatever else for our own individual fulfillment (although nothing wrong with it when used correctly).

I truly believe now, that we as individuals on planet earth, primary reason for life is to help our fellow man. To love with a pure and true love. A love not motivated by what we get out of a relationship but we do and say what's best for the other person.

This is where I, as a stroke survivor have found true fulfillment, peace and a true purpose in this second chance I've been given. It's who I am now.

I live my life with a passion, a peace, a fulfillment I didn't even think was possible on this earth.

I have been chosen to help the most amazing people I've ever met in my circle of life. Stroke survivors! Stroke survivors are among the absolute most incredible people I have ever met!

Most of the time they don't even know just how incredible they truly are!

The awesome thing is I feel it's my calling, my destiny to tell them!

You're amazing stroke survivors! You inspire me!

More later peeps!

With every fiber of me as a man,



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